Remix and Remixability Response

By Robert McLeod 112

Remix and Remixability by Lev Manovich

What I gathered from Lev’s blog is that he argues that remixing is part of culture. Which is remarkably true, but in many of his examples, for example when “Ancient Rome remixed Ancient Greece”, I would argue is something that you would label as development. Perhaps then it would be safe to argue that remixing is just another word for development, or at least is vital to development. 

I would also like to deliver some negative feedback though. Personally I think Lev could have just left the article at “[we are] endowed with a certain flexibility and modularity which enables collaborative remixability a transformative process in which the information and media we’ve organized and shared can be recombined and built on to create new forms, concepts, ideas, mashups and services.” 


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