Project 1 explained...
OK, considering the ridiculously poor attempt at a presentation, I feel its important for me to explain my assignment hand in. Seeing as this is my first (and probably the only) post about my project it's best if I start at the beginning. Origionally it was my aim to come up with a 30 sec clip which was more, in a sense happy. The reason behind this was other, having seen some of the previous students work, I felt there was a general unhappy and negative theme in most of them. So I made it my aim to search and download open source media which I felt sent across positive images.
From there my ideas developed, and changed. I wanted to make a short story about someone's life, and showing only memories that were, in my opinion, beautiful. From there the idea of someone's life flashing before their eyes came into mind. I decided to go with it even though it started to drift away from being happy, seeing as the whole idea behind your life flashing before your eye is something thats supposed to occur when you die. As a result: life remixed.
This is where I, pretty much, completely abandoned happiness and said, 'what the hell, lets blow something up'. In searching for materials for my first video I came across a clip of a mother talking to her child, just after giving birth. To avoid ruining my video for you I wont tell you what she said, but I wanted her loving words to be contrasted completely by the content in the remainder of the clip, which would involve mankind at its worst, most significantly the atom bomb.
My final clip I decided not to include in my website, mostly because the theme seemed rather distant from the other two. In the first two videos we see the life of a character, be it flashing before a dying mans eyes or an exaggerated destructive nature of man. This this clip's theme was more focused on sexual desire, and taken from only one origional source, where as the other two were a mixture of many. I wanted the most important point in this video to be the kiss, to moment where his dreams meet reality. I decided that this would be best placed at the end, where he finally gets what he's been longing for, which was shown in the first parts of the video.
Well, hopefully that explanation didn't read too much like and essay, especially since it was so long, but I'm sure it helped you to understand where my work was coming from.