Project 02 Concept

By Robert McLeod 112

The location that I have chosen to work with is the gym. The dictionary describes the gym as “a building or room designed and equipped for indoor sports, exercise, or physical education” (  But to me, the gym represents an entire range of different uses beyond the obvious; working rigorously to change aspects of your body, for some people to loose weight, for others to gain it. To me the exercise is a form of stress relief, or possibly even meditation, and the gym is where I go to do it.


The way in which I intent to present my view of the gym to my audience would be through a narrative that includes a character who is experiencing an extreme amount of stress in his life and has gone to the gym to relieve himself of this stress. The main way in which I intend to display the fact that this character is stressed is by making it obvious that there are all these voices going through his head. Visually, we will be able to see through his expressions that he is thinking distressing thoughts, while audibly, we can here those exact thoughts as they run through his head. Many of these thoughts can be running through the character’s head at the same time, but at different volumes, the most ones that are most distressing having the highest volume.  The more the character works out, the more the thoughts fade away from his mind.


The climax in the movie will come at the point where the character is hitting up a boxing bag, where the voices in his head become clearer, and the character is visually more frustrated.  This is where I hope to have my visual effects to play a greater roll as well; working with changes between slow motion and changes in camera angle, along with illustration, particularly when the character hits the boxing bag hard enough to silence his stresses. 


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