Making a New Enemy

Category: , By Robert McLeod 112
Now that I had made my monster. I needed a to get him to sculpt a story. I knew he would be inherently angry and that I would have him destorying something but I needed to get it a motive, or something to be really angry at. This was a problem, because every idea that came to me resulted in me having to create another character.

I eventually gave in and forced myself to come up with a new character. I needed something to be stupid enough to run at this massive monster i created. I decided on a skeleton worrior, a character thats basically fearless, but also mindless, and something that I really enjoy to watch getting its ass get kicked.

I worked with a similar technique as my first character and attached my imported skeleton structure (from poser 7) to a biped, only this time all the skeletal bones were attached to their coresponding biped bones as rigid bodies, with the exception of the spine and ribs, which I would allow to deform.

I origionally wanted to have a massive battle scene which involved an epic fight scene between the two, a really slow moving but strong rock monster vs a really agile and fearless skelton. However, I only had 5 weeks, not nearly enough time to construct two characters, a dynamic environment, give it all material then animate the introduction of those two characters, apply physics to the environment and after all that, choreograph an epic fight scene... But that would have been awesome!

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